Upcoming Events
Ordovician Private Fossil Hunt
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Guided tour expedition to a private fossil hunting location near Chattanooga.

Mayfest 2024
Carrollton, Georgia
Prehistoric South will be selling art, fossils, crystals, jewelry, and spreading knowledge at the Carrollton Mayfest!

Explore The ancient World of the dinosaurs
Take a private guided tour with a Prehistoric South member or learn how to discover the South’s prehistoric treasures on your own. We offer many ways to access fossils and crystals for individuals and groups of all ages.
Fossils are the preserved remains, or traces of remains, of ancient organisms. These remains typically image into sedimentary rock, such as limestone, calcite or coal. If an ancient organism’s bones, shells, feathers, or leaves are quickly covered in high pressure sediments, all of these parts can become fossilized.
Southeastern United States hosts an abundantly vast variety of fossil remains and minerals. Depending on the targeted formation, hunters have a chance to find a wide scope of geologic treasures, including; marine life, ice age mammal bones, countless fossilized seashells, natural crystals, and dinosaur bone remains. Yep. That’s right. Dinosaurs.
Exclusive digs and site visits are held every other month on a sign-up basis. Please navigate to our Expeditions tab to view upcoming, past, and future guided digs.
Here lies our core. The discovery, preservation, and appreciation of prehistoric life and minerals from the Southeastern United States.

Recent Expedition: PEace river, Florida 2024
This past weekend, Prehistoric South CEO Jesse and novice “Hunter” Michael explored the primal, yet tranquil, Peace River in Florida, USA. They kayaked many miles on the waterway, stopping at various locations to dig in gravel banks and extract fossilized treasures! The Expedition was very fruitful; dozens of fossilized shark teeth were collected, along with hundreds of fossilized mammalian bone fragments, fish vertebrae, rodent teeth/bone, and Miocene aged seashells.